Saturday, March 1, 2008

You wont believe it

After having kids for 11 years now and no broken bones. We had two in one night. Both kids have casts on. What's the chances of that happening?

As I was preparing dinner last night Dessy came home screaming, she had fallen from a swing at the park (2 doors down the road). Her wrist didn't look broken or even swollen but after half an hour of screaming we took her to the after hours doctor and sure enough it has two breaks in it.

They put a cast on her (a purple one) which they are going to redo on Monday morning in case her wrist continues to swell over the weekend.

Anyway, while we were there we got the doctor to check Jo. Two weeks previously he was playing tag at school and a wee boy climbed up a wall and as Jo was tagging him he fell on Jo's arm. He had complained quite a few times about it but there was no bruising or swelling so I just kind of thought he was using it as an excuse. However yesterday we had noticed he couldn't straighten his arm so we ran it by the doctor - who xrayed it. Next thing he tells us we have to go to the hospital as it looks like Jo's elbow has been damaged and may need surgery. (makes you feel great as a parent when he's had this for two weeks and he's been playing T-Ball and doing everything normally - he must have a huge pain thresh-hold).

Anyway, the doctor at the hospital couldn't really tell from the xrays - so he put Jo in a huge cast and they're going to re-x-ray next Friday and reassess the situation.

2 children in casts on the same day - when it rains it pours.